Pathways to Generosity

Deanery development plans have shown that encouraging financial generosity is a priority for many churches, and an area often in need of development. In response to this, the Generous Giving Team have created Pathways to Generosity, a comprehensive toolkit designed to make life easier. Printed copies have been distributed to every parish, with thanks to the generosity of Benefact Trust, but Pathways is also available to download here. 

Generous Church Checklist

Designed as an internal tool, the checklist is an ideal starting point for parishes keen to take an honest look at whether they are regularly nurturing a culture of generosity and at the same time making it easy for people to give. 

Download Generous Church Checklist


Exploring Generosity

An interactive four session course to help small groups explore the theme of generosity from a biblical perspective. We suggest running this short course as part of Giving Review preparations.

Download Exploring Generosity

Giving Review Guide 

A step by step guide to help parishes navigate a Giving Review, with easy to use tools, links to templates and notes on key messages for parishes to communicate.

Download 'Giving Review' Guide   

Quick Start Guides

A series of 5 guides covering all main giving mechanisms as well as support for ongoing teaching and nurturing of generosity


Download Teaching & Nurturing Generosity

Download Online Giving

Download Parish Giving Scheme

Download Contactless Giving

Download Legacy Giving







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