The challenge to live and give generously includes what we do with our money but it certainly isn't limited to this. Generosity can, and should, take a range of forms. People can be generous with their time, gifts and talents. Without the dedication and support that people give to their churches it would be difficult for them to operate.
It is useful to reflect and celebrate on this generosity as it remains the cornerstone of the work of the church. When we take time to think about all the different ways people make church happen it paints a really inspiring picture. We encourage churches to reflect on and celebrate this and model a generous culture in all they do. Click on the link below for some suggestions that may facilitate this.
Download Developing a Generous Culture
Living Generously - films for small groups
In this eight session course Jonathan de Bernhardt Wood, Director of Giving for the Church of England, explores the simple, powerful moment in which Mary, a friend and follower of Jesus, displays the kind of astonishing generosity God Himself pours out on us. In this single verse Mary demonstrates seven distinct ways of living generously. Each film above comes with a downloadable group study guide which includes questions to get the discussion going, things to be thinking of when watching the films, biblical exploration and suggestions for taking your learning into everyday life.
Download Living Generously films
Volunteering is at the heart of Christian service and discipleship and can enable us to be generous in practical ways. Volunteering can help give us a chance to become involved in social action work which can complement our ongoing discipleship journeys and deepen our faith in a different way.
In addition to putting our faith into practice volunteering is also seen as having numerous positive benefits for those who get involved. It improves both mental and physical health, can build self-confidence, gives a sense of purpose, enables you to give something back to your community, develops new skills and experience, and can also help you make new friends.
Ecclesiastical Insurance have made a video 'Inspiring new church volunteers'