'Everything comes from you, we have given you only what comes from your hand'
1 Chronicles 29:12-16
As God's children we are responsible for all things He has given us, sometimes referred to as stewardship. A key principle of stewardship is our call to live and give generously. Through our giving we enable and resource God's mission through our churches and in our lives. Giving in its broadest sense, enables our churches to flourish and grow. Giving our time can help create places of welcome and hospitality, facilitating encounters with God through prayer, worship and fellowship. Financial giving, resources mission and ministry and enables us to grow as communities of faith across the whole diocese.
Generosity can take time to nurture and grow but the Generous Giving Team are here to help. A resource to the whole diocese, the team are here to serve parishes and welcome every opportunity to do so. We invite you to explore our web pages to learn more about the ways in which we can provide support.
If you're not sure where to begin, you might like download our Generous Church Checklist which is designed to enable parishes to take an honest look at whether they are regularly nurturing a culture of generosity and at the same time making it easy for people to give. The checklist includes details of the support available for any area where a parish feels it might be able to do more. It can be completed individually or as a PCC activity so you can compare different perceptions of church life. The checklist is designed as an internal tool so there is no need to send the completed form to anyone but remember the Generous Giving Team are here to help and advise as required.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Joanne, Leanne and Dennis
Download Generous Church Checklist