CMF Opportunities

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Theology& seminar series at Newcastle Cathedral, Thursdays at 3.30-5.00pm.

Open to all – please email to express an interest.

Continuing this popular series of talks exploring the intersections between theology and ‘other’ disciplines.

5th September: Ce Pacitti - Theology & Visual Art: Glimpsing Glory

Ce is a Reader and the CMF Officer for the diocese but in a previous professional life has taught Art History and Fine Art. She has a PhD in Early C20th British Painting and her current research is in the theology of visual art. Her first teaching role involved running a life drawing class for 16 year old lads – this remains on her CV as having equipped her to take on almost anything…



3rd October: Mary Hawes - Theology & Seeking the Spirituality of Children

Until 2022, Mary Hawes served as the National Children and Youth Adviser for the Church of England. Since then she has spoken on children, theology, spirituality and ministry at a variety of Diocesan, National and International Conferences. Ordained in 2000, she serves as a priest at St Mary with St Alban, Teddington. In her spare time, she is a school Governor, reading support volunteer and Gin lover.



7th November: Ric Whaite – Theology & Imagination in the Gospel of Luke

Ric is the Director of Mission and Ministry for the diocese. Ric has taught modern doctrine and historical theology in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Chester, as well as on diocesan lay and ordained ministry training courses. 

Educated in History and Theology in London, Oxford, Manchester and the United States, Ric was previously Chaplain at University College in Durham and served in parochial ministry in the Kensington Episcopal Area of the Diocese of London. He was born and grew up in Stockport.

5th December: Chris Cook – Theology & Psychiatry: Hearing Spiritual Voices

Chris Cook is Emeritus Professor in Spirituality, Theology & Health at Durham University, and Honorary Chaplain for Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust. He is a past chair of the Spirituality & Psychiatry Special Interest Group at the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He was awarded the Canterbury Cross by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2020 for his work on theology and psychiatry, and the Oskar Pfister Award by the American Psychiatric Association in 2021 for his work on religion and psychiatry. His books include Hearing Spiritual Voices (2023), and (with Hamley & Swinton) Struggling with God (2023).

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