The Church of England collects statistics from each church about its attendance and finances in order to build up a picture by locality, diocese and across the country.
These statistics help us plan how to identify needs and make the best use of our resources in meeting them.
- Please make 2024 'Statistics for Mission' and 'Return for Parish Finance' submissions online here , or in case of difficulty by using paper forms which may be downloaded here.
If you enter a figure which is clearly outside what might normally be expected it will be queried. It will also check your calculations to give you confidence that the figures submitted are reasonable. The system produces an instant report giving you feedback on how the church's data has changed over the last ten years. These reports will be available to use in presentations at church meetings etc. It is planned that in the future the system will allow other data to be collected.
Problems with online submission? Download paper documents below:
- Introduction
- Membership form (including October attendance count)
- Finance form
The membership and finance forms should be returned to
Gillian Green
Church House
St John's Terrace
North Shields
NE29 6HS