

First published on: 2nd October 2019

I love it when modern psychology and the scriptures coincide so clearly! We shouldnt be surprised, but too often we can separate them and sever connection. Pauls letters are full of gratitude, no more so than in Philippians, where the tone is one of

Newcastle Diocese pays its staff a real Living Wage

First published on: 26th September 2019

We are delighted to announce that the Newcastle Diocesan Board of Finance is now an accredited Living Wage Employer. This means that every member of staff working for the Board of Finance will earn a real Living Wa

Farewell Shiremoor, Kia Ora New Zealand!

First published on: 20th September 2019

The Reverend Dr Tony Curtis, vicar of St Marks Shiremoor, is about to take up an exciting new role 11,000 miles away!Tony, who has been at Shiremoor since 2013, has been appointed the new Dean of the Cathedral Church of St Paul in Dunedin, New Zeala

An update on marriage registration changes

First published on: 12th September 2019

Dr Sandra Millar, the Church of England's Head of Life Events, discusses the possibility of changes to marriage registration systems.Over the summer there has been a lot of information circulating about the implications of the plans for the electroni

Bishops issue open letter on Brexit

First published on: 28th August 2019

A group of Church of England bishops, including the Bishop of Newcastle, the Right Reverend Christine Hardman, has issued an open letter on the prospect of a 'no-deal' Brexit and the need for national reconciliation, notwithstanding the potential pro

Marriage registration changes

First published on: 22nd August 2019

The Government plans to introduce a new system of registration for marriages, including church weddings, in England and Wales.It is anticipated that the new system will replace traditional marriage registers with a new marriage document to be signed

Newcastle Cathedral appoints new Canon for Outreach and Discipleship

First published on: 5th August 2019

The Bishop of Newcastle is delighted to be able to announce that the Revd Peter Dobson is to become Canon for Outreach and Discipleship at Newcastle Cathedral.Peter will become the second Canon Residentiary and work alongside the Dean, the Canon for

Bishops’ intervention set to extend gambling protections across the UK

First published on: 18th July 2019

Gambling rules in Northern Ireland could be brought into line with tighter standards in the rest of the UK following an intervention by the Church of England.An amendment tabled in the House of Lords by the Bishop of St Albans, Alan Smith, opening th

When does your year begin?

First published on: 18th July 2019

When does your year begin? Perhaps its is the liturgical year and Advent marks the start. Perhaps it is the traditional January 1st turnover point, or perhaps, like many, the grip of the academic model means that September kicks off the sense of newn

A safe environment and activities

First published on: 2nd July 2019

This is the heading of the 11th section of the Parish Safeguarding Handbook (PSH). All parishes were sent a copy of the Parish Safeguarding Handbook earlier in the year. This booklet should be on display in your church along with your safeguarding po

Bishop of Newcastle presents Warkworth schoolchildren with their Green Flag Award

First published on: 1st July 2019

Schoolchildren at a Northumberland primary school have been recognised for their work protecting their local environment.The Bishop of Newcastle, the Right Reverend Christine Hardman presented the children at Warkworth Church of England Aided Primary

Conviction of the Revd Peter McConnell

First published on: 27th June 2019

Following the conviction of the Reverend Peter McConnell, the Venerable Peter Robinson, Archdeacon of Lindisfarne in the Diocese of Newcastle, said: All forms of abuse including sexual assault are destructive of human relationships and contrary to th

Biggest Leavers' Event Ever!

First published on: 21st June 2019

Nearly a thousand children packed Newcastle Cathedral for our biggest school leavers' event ever.It was so big, two separate services were held throughout the day, one attended by the Bishop of Newcastle, the Right Reverend Christine Hardman, an

Human beings are designed for companionship

First published on: 18th June 2019

Human beings are designed for companionship. It is not good for us to be alone too much, but as our ageing and fractured society goes on it seems that far too many experience deep loneliness. Within the body of Christs church this need not be a signi

A pair of Newcastle Deans!

First published on: 31st May 2019

A pair of Newcastle Deans! The Very Reverend Geoff Miller, our Dean of Newcastle, has been hosting a visit by the Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer, Dean of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Welcome!This photo of Geoff and Katherine was taken insid

Bishop Christine's address to the Diocesan Synod, 11 May 2019

First published on: 23rd May 2019

'Anxiety about money is playing far too big a part in our diocesan life at the moment, and we have to change this.' Listen again to Bishop Christine's address to the Diocesan Synod by clicking on this link, or below is a full transcription. You

Panorama and the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse

First published on: 21st May 2019

In recent weeks, there has been considerable publicity about the churchs failings to respond compassionately, effectively and appropriately to victims and survivors abused by clergy, with evidence that the reputation of the church and its senior cler

Bishop Christine sets off on her pilgrimage of prayer

First published on: 20th May 2019

Bishop Christine was waved off this morning on St Oswald's Way, as she began her pilgrimage of prayer for our Diocese.She started her walk at Heavenfield in Northumberland, with today's leg taking her to Kirkwelpington. Her walk is due to finish

Newcastle Cathedral secures £4.2 million National Lottery grant

First published on: 13th May 2019

Englands most northerly cathedral is set to be transformed after securing a multi-million pound grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.Thanks to money raised by National Lottery players, Newcastle Cathedrals exciting heritage project, Common G


First published on: 13th May 2019

Wellbeing seems to be the latest trendy concept a need to focus on how we best function and live with ourselves and one another at a time when anxiety and poor mental health appear to be on the increase. Shalom is an ancient Hebrew word, frequ

Rector of Hexham to be next Bishop of Huntingdon

First published on: 7th May 2019

Downing Street has announced today, 7th May, that Canon Dr Dagmar Winter will be the next Bishop of Huntingdon in the Diocese of Ely.Dagmar is the Rector of Hexham and has served in the Diocese of Newcastle since 1999, initially as Associate Vicar an

House builder supports LEGO project in one of Newcastle’s poorest estates

First published on: 12th April 2019

Leading UK home builder Keepmoat Homes has donated 500 to help buy LEGO for an inspirational community project in the west end of Newcastle.The Diocese of Newcastle is collecting as much LEGO as possible to bring children, their families and the loca

Bishop Christine seeks reassurance over mental healthcare provision in alternative provision schools

First published on: 27th March 2019

In the House of Lords this afternoon, Bishop Christine challenged the Government on provision for mental healthcare in alternative provision schools these are schools for children for whom mainstream education is unsuitable.

Safeguarding training and policy. What can a parish expect from the Diocese?

First published on: 26th March 2019

This is the heading of the second section of the Parish Safeguarding Handbook. A complimentary printed copy will be coming out to all parishes very soon.So what can you expect from the Diocese?Safeguarding policy and guidanceSafeguarding advice and s

Whatever happens with Brexit, Bishop of Newcastle calls for unity and reconciliation

First published on: 25th March 2019

Watch the Bishop of Newcastle, the Right Reverend Christine Hardman in the House of Lords today call for nationwide unity and reconciliation, whatever happens with Brexit.The turbulence and toxicity we are seeing in political life is deeply dist

Bishop of Newcastle challenges Government over mental healthcare for young people

First published on: 25th March 2019

Today in the House of Lords, the Right Reverend Christine Hardman, Bishop of Newcastle, challenged the Government to state what steps it is taking to improve mental health care provision for children and young people.An NHS study published in Novembe

New Archdeacon of Northumberland installed at Newcastle Cathedral

First published on: 24th March 2019

Civic leaders were at Newcastle Cathedral today as the Reverend Mark Wroe was installed as the new Archdeacon of Northumberland. Click here for photographs.Mark, 49 and who was previously vicar at Holy Trinity Jesmond, Newcastle, is now the Vene

'Peace and Unity' event following last week's NZ shootings

First published on: 18th March 2019

Newcastle Cathedral and Diocese of Newcastle to host An Evening of Peace and Unity after the New Zealand massacreThe Very Reverend Geoff Miller, Dean of Newcastle, and the Diocese of Newcastle are holding an Evening of Peace and Unity following the m

A message to our Muslim communities following the New Zealand terror attacks

First published on: 15th March 2019

The Right Reverend Christine Hardman, Bishop of Newcastle, has issued this open letter to our Muslim communities following the terrible terror attacks in New Zealand. The letter can be seen below, or by clicking here.

International Women's Day 2019

First published on: 8th March 2019

The Bishop of Newcastle is among 50 women listed as some of the most inspiring in the North East.International Women's Day represents an opportunity for us to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women across the worl

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