Artwork loan offer via Newcastle Cathedral
First published on: 1st February 2023A sculptural art piece, Legacy, by Roberta Fulford, is currently on loan to Newcastle Cathedral and will be on display until Easter 2023.
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A sculptural art piece, Legacy, by Roberta Fulford, is currently on loan to Newcastle Cathedral and will be on display until Easter 2023.
On Thursday 26 January, eight primary schools joined together for a Christingle service at Newcastle Cathedral.
St Cuthbert’s Church at Haydon Bridge launches traditional paper newsletter to reach their wider community
Step Forward is for anyone aged 18 to 30 who is wondering whether God might be calling them to ministry in the Church of England.
At a service of Choral Evensong held at Newcastle Cathedral on Sunday 22 January 2023, the Very Reverend Dr Jane Hedges was commissioned as Interim Dean of Newcastle.
Castle School, part of Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust (NCEAT), has achieved ‘Good’ in its Ofsted report
In October 2022, volunteers launched a Warm Hub in Embleton’s Parish Room and members of the local community now gather every Monday for soup, crusty bread and friendship.
With the ongoing cost of living crisis and temperatures plummeting over the winter period, many of our churches are offering warm spaces for their communities. Find your nearest warm space in the list below.
Children raise money to repair a stained glass window in Throckley.
Based on an idea that has come all the way from Slovenia, Wylam now has its very own model village with Joseph, Mary and Jesus at its centre.
Following the retirement of the Very Reverend Geoff Miller, the Right Revd Mark Wroe, Acting Bishop of Newcastle, is delighted to announce that he has appointed the Very Reverend Dr Jane Hedges as Interim Dean of Newcastle.
There are a number of services and events happening across the Diocese of Newcastle this Christmas
The Bishop of Berwick officially reopened Embleton Vincent Edwards Church of England Primary School on 24 November, after significant investment updating and extending the 100-year-old building to ensure it is fit for purpose for many years to come.
Bishop Mark has launched the Bishop’s Christmas Appeal in aid of Walking With and the West End Refugee Service, local charities who support asylum seekers and refugees.
The Very Revd Geoff Miller bid farewell as Dean of Newcastle at a Service of Leave Taking and Farewell at Newcastle Cathedral on Sunday 20 November 2022.
As we prepare to say farewell to the Very Revd Geoff Miller, he reflects on his time as Dean of Newcastle.
Earlier this month, 11 members of the Parish of Morpeth embarked on a long-awaited visit to our Link Diocese in Botswana.
We were so pleased to welcome over 80 people to St Bartholomew’s, Kirkwhelpington to celebrate and share the work of the Rural Churches for Everyone (RCfE) project, on 9 November.
Services and events marking Remembrance Sunday will take place across the diocese this weekend.
On 20 October 2022, Downing Street announced the appointment of the Right Reverend Dr Helen-Ann Hartley, currently Bishop of Ripon, as the next Bishop of Newcastle. Bishop Helen-Ann and her husband, Myles, spent the day touring the Diocese.
Students from Duke’s Secondary School in Ashington planted a tree last month, gifted to them at STEM Fest Net Zero
Downing Street has announced the appointment of the Right Reverend Dr Helen-Ann Hartley, currently Bishop of Ripon, as the next Bishop of Newcastle. The appointment was approved by Her Late Majesty The Queen.
As the new academic year began, so did a new phase of chaplaincy at Northumbria University. It is a quiet, new start taken in stages as the space in the university used by chaplains, faith groups, meditators and seekers moved from a rather out-of-the way location to a much more central space
On Thursday 14th July, four vicars from our link diocese, Møre in Norway, came to visit.
Blanchland Community Development Organisation is thrilled to acknowledge a National Hewritage Fund Grant grant of £98,900 towards the second stage of The Blanchland Abbey Project, the ‘6 As of Blanchland’
Following the success of last year's first event, Newcastle Diocese Generosity Week returned on Sunday 25 September 2022. This time, it has a distinctly local flavour.
The iconic Lindisfarne Gospels underwent a 130-mile journey this September, travelling from Gainford in County Durham to Lindisfarne, Holy Island
A season of celebrations is taking place to mark the creation of the Lindisfarne Gospels on Holy Island around 1300 years ago.
The Very Revd Geoff Miller, Dean of Newcastle, has today announced that he will retire in November.
Bishop Mark joined with other faith leaders to pay tribute to The Late Queen Elizabeth II before the start of the Great North Run
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